Moving through Fear into Acceptance in Moments of Overwhelm


As all of us engaged in the healing journey know, the goal isn’t the end of experiencing all unpleasant emotions. Healing often hurts, and when we are in the midst of it, it’s hard to look back and realize we have already been changed. What to do then, when we find ourselves in the middle of a storm of emotions, unable to know up from down and wondering if this state is a permanent one? Alongside many plant allies, cultivating the practice of acceptance has been a primary action that has supported me through my own ongoing transformation of releasing abusive patterns and relationships in my life. Disrupting our fears around strong or negative emotions can become the doorway to accessing our shadow selves and more fully integrating the whole- and broken, perfectly imperfect beings that we are. In this workshop, I look forward to sharing some practices to interrupt or lean into strong emotions and the plants that have supported me along the way.

emerson brisbon


Emerson Brisbon is an herbalist, mom, nonbinary queer mixed human, Plantwerks co-creator, popular education style trained facilitator, and Sacred Vibes Spiritual Apprenticeship graduate. They are passionate about personal growth, individuals honoring their truth and paths, and cultivating the knowledge we need to thrive!
